CHOICES serves communities in Southwest Ohio. We are looking for bilingual foster parents (single or married) in the Dayton, Cincinnati and surrounding areas to support the needs of Latino youth.
Ohio’s Hispanic/Latino population grew by 47% from 2010 to 2020 and by approximately 140% from 2000 to 2020* (Latino Community Report, 2021). In the state of Ohio, Hispanic/Latino youth enter foster care a rate of 8.6 per 1,000 youth.** Nearly 2 points higher than Caucasian youth. We recognize the disparities in the child welfare system and advocate for equity and change in the overall system with our involvement in statewide initiatives and organizations. In the meantime, CHOICES wants to be sure to be inclusive of meeting needs of our hispanic/latino youth. This is where YOU can help.
We are currently seeking to grow our number of bilingual foster families here at CHOICES. We know that placement stability is important for decreasing the trauma a child experiences while in foster care, and the first step is ensuring our kiddos feel comfortable and supported in their foster home. Having foster parents that can speak and understand the language will open up better lines of communication in the home and allow for better advocacy on behalf of the youth with health care providers and school staff.
At CHOICES, we provide round-the-clock support from our foster care team. Each home is assigned a dedicated caseworker that works closely with the foster youth and family. Kiddos that are 4 years of age and older are evaluated for mental health services after they are placed in our foster homes. If services are deemed necessary, we have our own home-based mental health providers that come into your home to provide therapy.
Throughout the year, we provide fun events for our families such as trips to the zoo and Kings Island, tickets to baseball games and the ballet, and a yearly picnic, Christmas party, Easter egg hunt, and trunk-or-treat event. Through the help of our fantastic donors, we are able to provide back to school supplies and other educational/behavior materials that will aid in the growth and development of our kiddos in care.
The process to become a licensed foster parent is quick and easy with the help of our licensing team. We have a dedicated foster parent recruiter that helps you to register for the online training classes and to complete all paperwork. Your family will be assigned an assessor that will meet with you to conduct interviews and finalize the licensing process.
If you are ready to learn more about becoming a foster parent or you have questions, please contact our foster parent recruiter, Samantha, at:
*Latino Community Report, 2021
**Kids Count Data, 2021