For the fourth quarter of 2024 we would like to recognize Michelle Bruce for Living the Mission of CHOICES. She is a fierce advocate for children and families, and a true definition of our mission and values.
Michelle is the ultimate connector, with a magical ability to make everyone feel seen, heard and supported. Her sense of humor is unmatched – bringing joy and laughter to the office. (be ready for a prank or two) As the Home-Based Team Lead she is a true team player. She goes out of her way to ask for tasks to prepare for meetings, planning ice breakers, or which one of her famous dishes she can bring to share.
She is dedicated to support of our staff, including teaching new staff and works hard to make everyone feel welcome. She does not shy away from teaching or talking a youth through a crisis after hours. Her role as HBS Team Lead has changed with time and has more recently led to her running independent living therapy day and attending group meetings. Her ability to relate to our teens, make therapy impactful, and fun has our teens coming back twice as often. Many young people who did not want to work on their mental health now beg to see Michelle as often as they can. Her commitment and weekly sessions have stabilized many placements and helped youth achieve success!
Michelle is truly compassionate about helping others achieve their greatest potential. She is in-tune with needs of her teammates and is always willing to be a sounding board, listening ear or delighted to send sunshine and cheer your way. Michelle pours her energy and passion into every interaction. She is quick to recognize the achievements of others and will definitely bring her “A game” to any costume contest.
It is with great pleasure we award you Employee of the Quarter for embodying our core values, compassion, commitment and teamwork. We look forward to seeing you help grow new staff and transitional age youth!