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Success Story: Marcela

Marcela C. is a youth from Bulter County who has been placed in our Independent Living Program for 8 months. Marcela formerly lived in Guatamala and has been the United States for a few years. She demonstrated her dedication towards success by finding a full time job within her first week as an IL youth.  Additionally, she is working to finish her high school diploma and has become more familiarized with the English language.  Our Indepdent Living workers teach the youth the importance of budgeting and saving money and Marcela was able to save enough money to purchase her first car. We congratulate Marcela on successfully empanicpating from the IL program and taking over the lease of her apartment. Her workers are very proud of her accomplishments and know that with her dedication and drive to succeed she has many great opportunities in front of her! 


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Prospective Parents SACWIS Information Form

*Must be completed before beginning the first training session with CHOICES, Inc.
Information listed below is for the sole purpose of CHOICES, Inc. entry of your information into Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS).