Brittney G. is a 19 year old female in our care and we would like to congratulate her on finding her first job! This is a great success to celebrate as Brittney has had to overcome many challenges. For the past three years she has been volunteering at Wright Nursing Home, and has been diligent in applying for any position that would open up. Finally, this summer they hired her for a position in their dietary department. This is a perfect fit for Brittney since she is attending Greene County Career Center studying food and hospitality management. She is doing wonderful, and CHOICES recognizes her commitment and dedication to finding a job she loves.
Join Us for our 3rd Annual Voices for Kids Breakfast
You’re Invited to the 3rd Annual Voices for Kids Breakfast May 2nd, 2013 At The Presidential Banquet Center 8:00 am – 9:00 am Doors open