Thanks for Supporting the 4th Annual CHOICES Summer Classic
Thursday, July 25, 2024 Heatherwoode Golf Club
(88 Heatherwoode Blvd. Springboro, Oh 45066)
Register your Foursome - $500/team
- 18 holes of golf including cart
- 4 person scramble
- Live scoring
- Unlimited range balls starting at 7:30 am
- Curbside bag service
- Drink Tickets
- Lunch following your round
- Player giveaway
- On course contests and prizes
- Raffle after conclusion of play

Sponsorship Info
Your sponsorship of this event has direct impact our mission and programs! You are helping to meet crucial needs of kids and providing unique opportunities for growth and success. We have a number of levels available for your business, group or individual/family participation.
Register your team below!
You can register your team and purchase a sponsorship all in one using the form below. If you have questions or get an error message please contact our Development Director, Ashley Pester at or 937-264-0084 ext. 122. If you are unable to attend the event and would like to make a general donation towards our mission you can donate by clicking here.

Registration has Closed!
Want to be the first to know when registration opens next year? Fill out the form below and we will email you updates about our annual Summer Classic! If you would like to make a general donation towards our mission you can donate by clicking here.
Questions? Contact Ashley Pester at