This scholarship was established in 2016 in honor of CHOICES 30th anniversary. Originally the 30 for 30 scholarship, asking donors to become a member for a pledge of $30 a month. As the scholarship grew and we moved away from this anniversary the committee sought to rename the scholarship. We could not think of anyone more appropriate to be the namesake than Quatez B. Scott.
Quatez B. Scott became an independent living youth with CHOICES, Inc. at the age of 17. Prior to entering this program, he was placed into foster care at the age of 11 for the second time. Quatez was placed in nearly two dozen foster homes, group homes and other care facilities prior to entering the independent living program.
Quatez was not driven to attend college, but was motivated to live a better life. His self determination made pursuing a degree a reality. Quatez had support through high school from many friends and their families. He continued to receive their support and encouragement along with that of his care team as he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Arts from Wilmington College in 2012.

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This was only the beginning of his post-secondary studies. He would then immediately go onto earn his Master’s degree in Educational Leadership at Eastern Michigan University in 2015. Keeping in mind the supports needed for youth like him in earning post-secondary degrees, Quatez decided to devote his career to higher education and helping others reach their education goals.
The career journey for Quatez began as Residence Director at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. His career continued to work at the following universities: Washington & Jefferson College, Mercy College and Wright State University.
In 2022, Quatez completed the doctoral program in Educational Theory and Social Foundations at the University of Toledo. He began this journey by being named to the Graduate Dean’s Scholars and Fellows program, which fully supported his academic study. He currently serves as the Inclusive Pedagogy Lead at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for Teaching and Learning.
Quatez was personally driven to obtain advanced degrees but has also chosen his career path to help others excel on their own post-secondary education journey. The CHOICES scholarship fund has been named after Quatez so that his own journey can be an inspiration to the future youth of CHOICES.
Quatez knows the value of higher education, and the opportunities that it will bring to the youth of CHOICES.
Whether someone’s goal is job certification or any type of academic degree, Quatez’s motto is the same:
“ Be inspired each day by the work you do to grow in your purpose and grow in your service to others.”
Donate to the Quatez B. Scott Scholarship Fund!
CHOICES appreciates all donations of any amount made in support of our scholarship fund.
Scholarship Recipients

Total Amount Awarded: $9,000
Year(s): 2017 2019, 2020, 2021
School attended: Miami University
Degrees earned: Associates Degree in Liberal Arts and Applied Science with a focus in forensic investigation and anthropology, Bachelor’s Degree 2022 in Criminal Justice with a focus in forensic investigation and anthropology
Kira was the first recipient to earn her Associate’s Degree and her bachelor’s Degree. As a multi-year recipient, she has used funds to purchase a computer, help pay for housing expenses, purchase a car and maintain car insurance. While earning her degree Kira also is the founder of Ohio Valley Missing, a page dedicated to finding missing individuals and providing closure to their families. Read more about Kira’s efforts by clicking here.
2024 Update: Kira is currently a Juvenile Probation Officer. She recently was chosen to speak on a panel of former foster youth who participated in the Ohio Bridges Program, speaking to professionals in the program.
“Thank you so much! There are very little resources for former foster kids at my school and this scholarship has really helped me feel that I can have equal opportunities like those who have parental support. Without this scholarship I would have probably had to only go part time at school, making my graduation date pushed back. I am excited to graduate as soon as possible!”

Total Amount Awarded: $7,000
Year(s): 2018, 2020, 2021
School attended: Full Sail University (Film)
As a three-time recipient Tadareus funds have helped Tadareus with housing expenses, a down payment for a car and purchasing a camera for his studies. Tadareus earned is Bachelor Degree with a Focus in Film from Full Sail University in 2023. He is currently working.
“One of my favorite things while attending Full Sail University is the connections I have been blessed to make. I have been spending time building up clientele around the city of Orlando. I have been also working to partner with different artists. My plans upon graduation are to stay the area pursuing my passion.”

Total Amount Awarded: $7,000
Year(s): 2020, 2021, 2022
School attended: Clark State (Graphic Design)
Funds awarded to Lindsey have helped her purchase technology she needs, like a laptop to stay up to date with her programs demands in additional to housing support. Lindsey graduated with her Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design in 2023.
“I want for the college students like me, who want to pursue their education take this opportunity. Many people don’t receive the same opportunities you have. Take advantage and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Receiving this scholarship has helped reducing stress and not worrying if I would be able to continue my education. Knowing I have support has motivated me to take this opportunity.”

Total Amount Awarded: $8,000
Year(s): 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021
School attended: Miami University- Hamilton (Nursing)
Mariah has used scholarship funds to help with the cost of tuition as she works to obtain her Nursing degree. Without the support of this scholarship funds she would have had to sit out semesters to work and save to cover her tuition costs.

Total Amount Awarded: $9,000
Year(s): 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023
School attended: University of Cincinnati (Biology/Pre-Med)
Makaylah has used funds to help pay for housing expenses, tuition and transportation. Makaylah is a Biology/Pre-Medicine major with the goal of becoming a doctor. Makaylah has a big heart for serving the Hispanic community and is minoring in Spanish to help eliminate disparities caused by language barriers with this population.

Total Amount Awarded: $4,000
Year(s): 2020, 2022
School attended: Wright State University (Urban Affairs & Non-Profit Management)
Funds awarded to Kati were used to help pay for her tuition. Kati is passionate about social justice issues. Her goal is to work to eliminate barriers and problems children of addicts face in society.

Total Amount Awarded: $3,000
Year(s): 2023
School Attended: Aveda Institute of Cosmetology
Funds were used to help Bailey with a professional wardrobe, down payment and rent payments as she officially aged out of the foster care system.
“I would like to thank all of the donors for even making this possible for me! I’m so grateful to be able to accept this scholarship and you have no idea how much this will help me in the upcoming year with things I’ve been needing help with. I can’t thank you enough for giving me this opportunity to grow!”

Total Amount Awarded: $4,000
Year(s): 2021, 2022
School attended: Wright State University (Psychology)
Funds awarded helped purchase Samantha a computer to start her college career. Samantha is also minoring in criminal justice recognizing how mental health can impact the criminal history of individuals.
“Receiving the CHOICES scholarship helped me become more efficient when completing my coursework. Without this scholarship, my old computer would have inevitably stopped working in the near future, forcing me to buy a new one. This semester, one of my favorite classes is abnormal psychology. I am learning about abnormal behavior and how far we have come in studying it. I am very grateful to those who made this possible. This computer has made my school life so much easier and less stressful. So, thank you for what you’ve done for me and many others.”

Total Amount Awarded: $4,000
Year(s): 2021, 2022
School attended: University of Cincinnati (Information Technology)
Darian used the funds to help with tuition, books and car insurance. Darian continues to work towards her degree.

Total Amount Awarded: $3,000
Year(s): 2023
School Attended: Sinclair Community College with EMT focus
Funds were used to help Brea purchase a laptop. Unfortunately, after the first semester she decided to leave school.
“I would like to say, Thank you so much for giving people like a chance to take stress of us and giving us a time to focus on school without worrying how to pay for things.”

Total Amount Awarded: $2,000
Year(s): 2020, 2021
School attended: Wright State University (Media Communications)
Funds have helped De’Angel with paying for tuition. She has been living on campus to experience campus life as much as possible. This has helped her feel included in her school De’Angel is motivated to complete her degree and plans to attend classes through the summer.
“Thank you for this opportunity, receiving these funds twice has given me an extra dose of hope that I can complete college. Without this scholarship, I probably would be somewhere trying to figure out how I was going to pay back loans that would’ve had to be taken out. I’m most excited about the information I am going to learn, and the people who I am going to meet while doing so.”

Total Amount Awarded: $1,000
Year(s): 2018
School attended: Sinclair Community College (Robotics & Engineering)
Funds helped Marcus pay for books and a laptop for his first year of college. Marcus is majoring in Robotics and Engineering and obtained 29 credit hours for his study while in high school. Ultimately, Marcus chose to leave school after 1 year and entered the workforce.

Total Amount Awarded: $1,600
Year(s): 2021
School attended: Upper Valley Adult Division (LPN)
Funds awarded to Serenity helped pay for her tuition to obtain her LPN. Unfortunately, she chosen to leave school prior to the year being complete, she did not use the full amount she was allocated.

Total Amount Awarded: $3,000
Year(s): 2017
School attended: Central State University (Psychology & Criminal Justice)
Funds helped Raja pay for her tuition for her second year of study as a Psychology and Criminal Justice Major.
Other Updates
Throughout the history of the scholarship fund there have been 4 youth chosen to receive funds who did not receive any funds in the end. There are a multitude of reasons they did not collect funds. Some did not follow through with starting their post-secondary education. Others started but left before requesting to utilize any funds.
We do our best to champion each recipient, but like any college student, life circumstances can change along with goals. Any funds that were not used are kept in the fund for future use the following year(s).