We have a group of dedicated workers and foster parents that go above and beyond to work with foster youth’s biological parents while they are in care. Their dedication allows for a smooth transition when the child reunifies and many times the support both worker and foster parent provide continues after reunification.
Recently Angela, a foster care social worker, was asked to do CPST (Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment) with a youth in care and involve the bio Mother. Angela was a bit apprehensive but was able to seek guidance from Lisa Helm, who regularly works with the Home-Based Services program.
The bio Mother was also very dedicated to the services for her child and after the first three sessions everyone saw great improvement. Visitations with mom increased and the goal to reunify mom and child was moved up to August. This was possible because of the dedication of the CHOICES staff in providing support to one another but also the child and biological family. Mom really just needed someone to listen to her, and hear what she was saying.
The staff at CHOICES has recognized the importance of providing stability and solutions to the family as a whole; we thank everyone who plays a part in making this happen. We wish this family the best as they continue treatment sessions and reunify.